Kitchen Minute with Gael Struck Riverz

Gael Struck Riverz makes Almond Toffee for Milwaukee Kitchen, 2023

Gael Struck Riverz, Mayville, WI

"My mother excelled at cooking and baking in particular. I wanted to duplicate her pie crusts which were the pinnacle of perfection. She did not go by any recipe, which is often the case with excellent cooks and bakers. So to please me after my insistence, she went through the motions of preparing the pie crust, weighing and measuring were a type of art. She said that the real recipe is getting the right ‘feel’ of the dough. She was right. I came very close to making a pie crust that could stand up to hers, but not quite."

Gael Struck Riverz is a naturopath with a specialty in International Iridology and Sclerology. She is a lifetime activist for humane animal legislation, an Artist with primary interest in oil portraiture. She now lives in Mayville, WI, and has four grown children and several grandchildren. She loves cooking shows, especially Milwaukee Kitchen and Tasting History with Max Miller on YouTube.

When asked what she's having for dinner tonight, Gael said, " I shall have breakfast because it appeals to me at the moment. Omelette, ½ avocado, bacon, whole grain toast."

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