Kitchen Minute with Jamie Lee Ohland

Beast of a Bar, Jamie Lee Ohland, 2022

Jamie Lee Ohland, Concordia neighborhood, Milwaukee WI

“I just love eating food so much and I get inspired by the flavor combinations and traditions of others.”

Jamie Ohland believes that food has the power to connect people to each other, the Earth, history, and the future.  She also believes that food can nourish the spirit, inspire and fuel revolutions, and deepen our sense of gratitude and compassion.  With this in mind she hosts dinners and food experiences in her home and the homes of friends. Someday she hopes to own a dive bar after she retires from teaching. Like many of us, she enjoys cooking programs, “I really enjoy watching anything about food, spirits, eating/drinking cultures/traditions from around the world, cooking, bartending, gardening/farming, homesteading, the food industry, food sustainability, the restaurant and hospitality industry, etc.  really anything I can get my hands on through my phone.  When I had a TV I devoted many hours to the following series: Chef's Table; Iron Chef (in subtitles) Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat; Rotten; Masterchef; High on the Hog; and British Baking Show.”

For dinner, she is making a dish that provides comfort on busy days, “We are having basic burritos from Beans and Barley with medium salsa and tortilla chips.” Hardly basic, and one of our favorites!

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