Riverwest Milwaukee

Milwaukee Kitchen Ep 11 Kitchen Sync by Paul Druecke

It's 5pm on Friday, 2020. We have our routines, plans for the future, calls to action, and hunger.

It's 5pm on Friday, June 2020. We have our routines, plans for the future, calls to action, and hunger. MILWAUKEE KITCHEN Kitchen Sync episode eleven June 20...

Milwaukee Kitchen Viewing Party \\// Thank You! by Paul Druecke

Thanks to everyone who stopped by Woodland Pattern to help us celebrate. A delightful evening with talks/performances by Ariana Vaeth doing a live event drawing, Christina Ward on The Settlement CookbookFlora Coker and Chuck Stebelton reading from Lorine Niedecker’s A Cooking Book, and Casey Seymour performing an exquisite version of Mike the Mailman from his forthcoming album and (spoiler alert) MK’s next episode. Coming soon!